“Slow Change”

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“Slow Change”


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About “Slow Change”

Time can hide dramatic transformations. Many of us can struggle to recognize small, barely-perceptible changes occurring slowly over time. Yet these tiny alterations build upon each other, resulting in major evolutions.

The melodies of “Slow Change” morph slowly. Each melodic shift is subtle and may not even be noticed. However, much like life’s “slow changes”, the song’s ending is very different from its beginning.

Think back 10 years. What were your “slow changes”?


Dormant fields slide down countryside
Into fires that light the sky
Perspective fades into the night
The horizon tilts to point the way

Time is old and ages fast
She takes your hand and pulls you far
We lose where we started
In the reflection of our destination

But it's not my time
It's not my time
Just one more

Keep your eyes from passing by
Forget your head is thinking twice
Move your legs and find your life

Now the time has come
Finally turned toward the stars
Let it
Don't recognize your eyes
Shadows shift and lean on just one more
Just a little more


Written and performed by Elliot Gavin Baldini.